This simple activity was created for one of my non-verbal students who was supposed to work on functional sight words.
You might ask yourself, why no start with functional sight words related to foods and grocery words? In this case foods did not have a meaning for this student as he had a g-tube. Therefore, we decided that safety signs are more meaningful to him.
The first step is for the student to match the picture card with word to the sign with word in the top. Next I will create a series that is similar, but only has a picture with word in the top and the word in the bottom. Last the student will match the word to the picture.
Each little booklet contains 10 words. I chose to bind the books in the top to minimize distraction as much as possible. Each page can be flipped behind the rest. To collect data, I have created a simple data collection log that allows me to mark HH (Hand over Hand), P (Prompted), I (Independent).
To download the entire set for free, just click right HERE!