Item #103
Common Core Content Activity: Meiosis
Meiosis: The students will learn all relevant factors of Meiosis in this unit. They will learn to fill out Punnett Squares and differentiate between dominant and recessive traits. The students will also pretend to be breeding animals. This is the real life application for the unit of Meiosis. Lesson plans are included for each activity.
Plus a power point to go along with the day 2 activity.
Unit includes: answer key and bulletin board pictures
Each activity is completed on two different levels for differentiated instruction.
Lesson & Activities Description
1 Pretest Meiosis
2 Introduction Activity Meiosis
3 Application 1 Genetics
4 Application 2 Dominant vs Recessive Traits
5 Application 3 Breeding Animals
6 Application 4 The Punnett Square
7 Review Understanding Meiosis
8 Posttest Meiosis
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